The normal healthy spine has a naturally curved shape. Like a coiled spring, these curves help to absorb some of the forces that are placed on your spine while standing erect. When looking at the spine from the side, there are four normal
curves, two anterior curves (Kyphotic curves) and two posterior curves (Lordotic curves).
Maintaining good posture allows you to maintain these healthy curves in your spine and reduces the long term stress placed on the spinal joints.
Keeping good posture can make a considerable difference to the long term health of your spine. With degenerative changes the bones of the spine actually start to deform. Once degenerative changes have taken place, it is very difcult and often impossible to restore the spine back to full health.
Degenerative arthritis of the neck
The ears should be directly above your shoulders.
The head weighs approximately 10 pounds. When positioned directly over the shoulders this weight is balanced and causes minimal stress on the spine. If your head is forward it can put excessive stress on the joints in the lower neck which over long periods of time can lead to degenerative changes. The lower neck is where the nerves that feed the arms exit
the spine. Degenerative changes in this region can therefore cause serious arm problems.
The shoulders should be back. Slouching draws
the head forward and leads to increased stress on
the lower neck.
The hips should be over the ankles. Some people sway the abdomen forward. This leads to an increased curve in the low back which can increase the stress on certain low back joints. The low back is naturally the area of highest stress in the spine and most prone to problems. Poor posture increases the
stress on this already vulnerable area. The low back is also the region where the nerves that feed the legs exit the spine. Low back degeneration can therefore lead to serious leg problems.
Proper posture while sitting should preservethe natural curves in your spine. Many people slouch
when they are in a seated position. This is an easier
way to sit because it allows the muscles of the back to
relax and transfers all the stress to the non-muscular,
ligamentous tissues of the body. Our ligaments,
if pulled on for long periods of time, will become
permanently lengthened which can lead to instability
around the joints they stabilize. This is why it is
recommended that you sit up straight and use your
muscles to support your posture as you sit. Although
this is more tiring, it takes the stress off the ligaments
of the spine. Proper posture takes awareness and
Using a chair with a built in lumbar support or
purchasing a lumbar support will help to maintain the
lumbar lordosis during prolonged sitting. It is also
essential to keep the head over the shoulders to
reduce the stress on the neck. There is a tendency
to round the back and shoulders and bring the head
forward. This posture leads to increased low back
and neck stress.
Head up over shoulders.
Back straight and low back supported with a lumbar support.
Eyes level with top of monitor.
Hands and wrists relaxed and in a neutral position.
Shoulders back and relaxed and elbows resting at the side.
Thighs and forearms perpendicular to the floor.
Feet resting on the floor.
Monitor 18 - 30 inches away and directly in front.
Take regular breaks when sitting for prolonged periods.
Many people notice increased low back symptoms
when driving in the car, especially for extended periods. Here are some tips for reducing the stress on the spine while driving.
1. Use a lumbar support to maintain the proper
curve in the low back.
If your car does not have a low back support built in, it is a good idea to consider purchasing one. Many car seats are not designed with posture in mind. The rounded seats found in many cars do little to support
the natural curves of the spine.
2. Do not sit too far away from the steering
You arms should comfortably reach the steering wheel without having to stretch your arms out in front of you. Your shoulders should be back and relaxed. If you can’t reach the steering wheel without rounding your shoulders forward, you are sitting too far from the steering wheel.
3. Stop and take breaks when driving long
Getting out of the car and stretching your back on occasion will help to avoid excessive stress from being in one position for a prolonged period of time.
4. Your head rest should be adjusted to the
proper position.
Whiplash is a very common cause of neck injury and can be very serious. You can reduce your risk of whiplash by properly positioning your headrest. Your head should be positioned no more than 7 cm in front of your head rest and the top of your head should be level with the top of your head rest.SLEEPING
We spend approximately 1/3 of our lives sleeping, so there is no doubt that incorrect posture while sleeping can negatively impact the health of our skeletal system. Just as with standing and sitting, it is important to consider the natural curves of the body when sleeping and make sure that they are supported. Purchasing a high quality mattress that will provide good support while you sleep is a wise investment.
Sleeping on your back
Lying on your back allows you to maintain your spine in a relatively neutral position. When lying on your back, your knees should be bent in order to reduce the stress on the low back. Keeping your legs straight causes an increased lordosis
in the low back. Over long periods of sleeping this increased stress can lead to problems. It is therefore recommended to place a pillow under your knees to help maintain them in a bent position throughout the night. A cervical pillow can also be used to help support the natural curve of the neck as you sleep.
Sleeping on your side
Sleeping on your side also allows you to maintain your spine in a relatively neutral position. The back should be straight and not rounded. Placing a pillow between the knees can help to maintain a neutral position of the pelvis. When sleeping on your side or on your back a cervical pillow can be used to help support the contours of the neck.
Sleeping on your stomach
Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended.If you sleep on your stomach, your head must be turned considerably to one side or the other. This can put excessive stress on the ligaments of the neck. Sleeping on the stomach also puts a lot
of stress on the low back. Some of this stress can be reduced by bringing one leg out to the side and lying in a semi prone position. Although this reduces stress on the spine, sleeping on the back or side are considered more ideal sleeping
The spine is a remarkable structure combining strength, protection and flexibility. This complexarray of bones and joints however, is not without its limits. When we lift it is important that we do not exceed the limits of the spine. In order not to exceed its limits, we must consider its weaknesses. What
are the vulnerable areas of the spine? Particularly vulnerable while lifting, are the discs of the spine.
The discs are made to absorb the shock of standing with an erect posture. They are very effective shock absorbers and diffcult to injure as long as the spine is kept in an untwisted vertical position.
When the spine is in a vertical position the discs are squeezed between the vertebrae.The discs are built to withstand this
squeezing (compressive) force.
Injuries often occur from simple activities done with poor biomechanics: lifting a baby from a car seat,lifting groceries from the back of a car, reaching and pulling weeds. These activities, if performed properly, should not create excessive stresses. It isimportant to realize that relatively small loads can
become dangerous to the discs when the spine is in
a compromised position.
If the spine is bent or twisted the discs are put into a more vulnerable position. If we attempt to lift things when the spine is bent over or twisted we increase the risk of injury to the disc.
When the spine is bent and / or twisted the discs
are put into a more vulnerable position. Never lift when you are bent over or twisted.
Bend at the knees so you can keep the back straight.
Never bend or twist while lifting.
Avoid quick, jerking movements.
Keep the load close to your body.
Place heavier loads somewhere they will be easy to pick up.
If it is too heavy, get help.
Lift smart, use a pull cart etc.
Lift loads symmetrically - carry equal weight in each hand.
Think before you lift - many injuries occur when people get
careless with everyday loads. Make it a habit to always lift
with proper posture.
Avoid bending over and twisting while lifting.
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